Wow, what a colorful gentleman. Why is that? Because it's mating season, you have to be handsome, otherwise the lady won't bite.)

Обыкновенный фазан // Phasianus colchicus
#Обыкновенныйфазан #phasianuscolchicus

#всефотоPS #всефотоптицPS #всефотоживотныхPS #Волгоград #birdswatching #wildlife #russia #volgograd #bird #birds #wildlifeanimal #wildlifephotography


You wouldn't believe such a serious type flying in cheerful flocks and chirping merrily. It's better not to claim the poplar buds he's already got his eye on.)

Одуванчик лекарственный // Taraxacum officinale
#Одуванчиклекарственный #taraxacumofficinale #Волгоград #wildlife #russia #volgograd #wildlifephotography


You wouldn't believe such a serious type flying in cheerful flocks and chirping merrily. It's better not to claim the poplar buds he's already got his eye on.)

Черноголовый щегол // Carduelis carduelis
#Черноголовыйщегол #cardueliscarduelis #Волгоград #birdswatching #wildlife #russia #volgograd #bird #birds #wildlifeanimal #wildlifephotography


Here's a real, classic bird wedge. This is how ducks or swans usually line up on their migrations, but these are big cormorants )

Большой баклан // Phalacrocorax carbo
#Большойбаклан #phalacrocoraxcarbo #Волгоград #birdswatching #wildlife #russia #volgograd #bird #birds #wildlifeanimal #wildlifephotography


It's just a bee, not an alien monster looking to take over our earth. It sits on a flowering tufted tree and collects pollen for its own pleasure.

Антофора Весенняя // Anthophora plumipes
#АнтофораВесенняя #anthophoraplumipes
#Волгоград #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifephoto #nature #russia #volgograd


Wildlife photos from Russia