What to Do When You Chip a Tooth: Tips from Emergency Dentists

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Chipped a tooth? Rinse with warm water, control bleeding, save pieces, cover sharp edges, and schedule an emergency dentist visit ASAP!

Accidents happen, and sometimes they result in chipped teeth. Whether it's a slip in the bathroom or an unexpected encounter with hard food, a chipped tooth can be both painful and concerning. Knowing what steps to take can make all the difference in saving your tooth and preventing further damage. Here are some essential tips from emergency Dentist in massapequa to guide you through this dental dilemma.

1. Assess the Damage

The first step after chipping a tooth is to assess the extent of the damage. Is it a minor chip or a more significant fracture? Minor chips may only affect the enamel, while larger fractures could expose the sensitive inner layers of the tooth. Assessing the damage will help you determine the severity of the situation and what immediate actions are necessary.

2. Rinse Your Mouth

After assessing the damage, it's essential to rinse your mouth with warm water. This will help clean the area and remove any debris or blood. Gently swish the water around the affected tooth, being careful not to aggravate the injury further.

3. Control Bleeding (If Any)

If there is bleeding from the chipped tooth or surrounding gums, apply gentle pressure with a clean gauze or cloth to control it. This will help stop the bleeding and prevent any potential infection.

4. Save any Broken Pieces

If the chipped portion of the tooth is significant, try to save the broken pieces. Rinse them gently with water and place them in a clean container. Your dentist may be able to reattach them, depending on the size and condition of the chip.

5. Temporary Pain Relief

Chipping a tooth can be painful, especially if the inner layers are exposed. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate discomfort until you can see a dentist. Avoid aspirin, as it can increase bleeding.

6. Cover Sharp Edges

If the chipped tooth has sharp edges that could cut your tongue or cheeks, you can use dental wax or sugarless gum to cover them temporarily. This will protect your soft tissues from further irritation until you can see a dentist.

7. Schedule an Emergency Appointment

Even if the chip seems minor, it's crucial to see a dentist as soon as possible. Ignoring a chipped tooth can lead to further complications, such as decay or infection. Many dentists, including those in Massapequa, offer emergency appointments for situations like this. Contact your dentist and explain the situation to schedule a prompt visit.

8. Follow Your Dentist's Advice

Once you see your dentist, they will assess the damage and recommend the appropriate treatment. This may involve filling the chip with a tooth-colored composite resin, placing a crown to protect the tooth, or other procedures depending on the severity of the damage. Follow your dentist's advice carefully to ensure the best possible outcome for your chipped tooth.


Chipping a tooth can be a distressing experience, but knowing how to handle it can help alleviate some of the stress. By assessing the damage, rinsing your mouth, controlling bleeding, saving any broken pieces, relieving pain, covering sharp edges, scheduling an emergency appointment, and following your dentist's advice, you can take the necessary steps to address a chipped tooth effectively. Remember, prompt action is crucial in saving your tooth and preventing further complications.
