Why is Node.js so Popular Among Developers?

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Here, we will discuss Why is Node.js so Popular Among Developers. This article gives a better understanding of NodeJS. To learn more about NodeJS, you can join FITA Academy.


It is well known that Node.js can create a wide variety of applications. Node.js is a scripting language that is cross-platform and mobile-friendly. It is well known for fast code execution and the ability to manage multiple requests simultaneously, making it the most sought-after among developers. Join the Node JS Training Institute in Chennai at FITA Academy to learn more about Node.js Technology. It offers advanced training, certification, and job placement assistance. 

Node.js has a large community and a bug-tracking team, and its modules and tools are easily accessible through Node Package Manager (NPM). In this blog, Let us discuss why ReactJS is so Popular Among Developers. In this article, we will discuss Why Node.js is Popular among developers.

Benefits of Node.js

Here is the following list of some of the advantages of Node.js.

Javascript Main Language

One of the primary reasons for Node.js's popularity is that it uses JavaScript as its primary language for developing web applications. JavaScript is now the only option for developing browser-based web applications. Only the JavaScript programming language allows for Node.js web development.

JavaScript is a language that almost all developers are familiar with or have used at some point. The transition from another web technology to Node.js is simple. As a result, it is so a popular choice among web developers.

It's Lightning Fast

Node.js is primarily a JavaScript runtime powered by V8, developed by Google for Chrome. V8 can compile and execute JavaScript at breakneck speed because it compiles JavaScript into native machine code. Node.js includes a magical event loop, a single thread that performs all I/O operations asynchronously. When an application in Node.js needs to perform an I/O operation, it sends asynchronous tasks and callback actions to the event loop and then continues to run the rest of the programme. When the sync operation is finished, the event loop returns to the task to execute the callback. This contrasts with traditional looping, which consumes a lot of memory and is extremely difficult to achieve.

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It Is Lightweight

Node.js employs an event-driven architecture. Everything that was done on it, including every operation and call, is a series of asynchronous callbacks. This allows Node.js to run on a single thread, unlike other web technologies, which create a new line for each client request. This reduces its weight and serves as the foundation for Node's non-blocking I/O feature.


Node.js is intended for scalable network applications. Node.js can handle many concurrent requests. This is why it quickly gained popularity among developers and large corporations. It can take many requests at the same time without overburdening the server. A callback is only fired after a request is made, but if there are no more jobs to be done, Node.js will sleep. Node.js is only available when it is required. This prevents unnecessary RAM usage.


We've learned from this article Why is Node.js so Popular Among Developers. If you are interested in learning Node JS technology, join the Node JS Training in Chennai. It provides you with advanced training with professional faculty. So that you can develop your career. Also, it provides you with a certificate and placement assistance.
