2 jr - Vertalen

company's headquarter is located at 33 Jincheng Road, Pinghu Street, Pinghu Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen. The company's professional technology has led to the company's excellent quality. At present, the company has 200 people and has a complete and scientific quality management system. The company's integrity, strength and product quality have been recognized by the industry.
Our products have multiple certificates, such as national standard certific

China Mask, KN95 Face Mask, Disposable Mask Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory - JIELIXIN

China Mask, KN95 Face Mask, Disposable Mask Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory - JIELIXIN

Shenzhen Jielixin Technology Co., Ltd: The company specializes in the production of protective masks, high-breathability masks, customized, main KN95 masks, disposable masks, civilian masks, children's masks, etc., source factory, worry-free after-sa